RIT Kosovo

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is Kosovo's only private, nonprofit higher education institute which teaches entirely in English.
For Kosovar students, studying at RIT Kosovo gives them the comfort of being next to your home and still receiving an internationally-recognized American degree, while for international and regional students Kosovo is known as one of the friendliest and welcoming countries in the world.
Students graduating from RIT Kosovo receive their diploma awarded by the Rochester Institute of Technology (www.rit.edu), a US-based university with over 180 years of experience offering undergraduate and graduate programs all over the world.
This degree is the same one awarded to students at the main RIT campus in Rochester, New York.
Drupal Website & Info
RIT Kosovo Website has been released on January 2021. It has been developed and designed on Drupal. RIT Kosovo offers American Accredited Degrees at an affordable price tag. It has a very successful Aluma across the country and world. Please visit the website for more information in regards to our client RIT Kosovo.
Over 800 Dynamic Web Pages
Were designed for RIT Kodovo.
We applied our SEO specialities on their page to increase rankings and page reachout.