Shehu Academy

Shehu Academy Wood Processing Courses
“SHEHU Academy” is the first training center to provide AKK-accredited trainings.
The establishment of this center was a significant step in advancing the skills of young people and preparing them for the labor market in accordance with market demands.
The concept for the Training Academy project development arose from our collaboration with the Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) initiative in 2018. The project’s collaborative structure provided us with the chance to learn about the dual education system as well as our position in the business sector. Since then, we have explored all options for establishing the Training Academy, and in 2019, we began preparing for the Carpenter profession’s accreditation.
9 Dynamic Web Pages
Were designed for Shehu Academy.
We provided a hosting solution for Shehu Academy.
Social Media Pages
Connect and see their social media pages.
We applied our SEO specialities on their page to increase rankings and page reachout.